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What is asktorontoq.com all about?

What is asktorontoq.com all about?

AskTorontoq.com is focused on knowledge sharing in the Greater Toronto area. (GTA). We’re a platform built around questions and answers. We aim to give Torontonians the objective knowledge they seek, as well as foster positive and meaningful discussions on local lifestyle topics.

Yes, we encourage goods and service promotion done in the right way.

Unlike other question and answer platforms, we encourage our users to promote their goods and service but only after a meaningful discussion in response to a question. This is encouraged so anyone who is interested in said goods or services can get more information.


You may leave your contact information and a short one-line description of who you are even after answering a question that is unrelated to your goods or services.

Yes, we are promotion friendly, but we reserve the right to remove anyone who abuses this opportunity.

Note: We do not consider a two-line description of what you do as a promotion.

  • YES, YOU CAN post a question and answer your own question, but the answer must contain a meaning discussion and answer to a real question.
  • YES, YOU CAN promote your goods & service after answering a related question.
  • YES, YOU CAN leave a one to a two-line statement of who you are and what you do after answering any question.

At Ask Toronto, we strive to provide a safe community for all our users. So, we have set the following standard for the community please abide by the following:

  • DO NOT promote goods or services unless you have answered a question that relates.
  • DO NOT post personal or confidential information
  • DO NOT impersonate a brand, company, other legal entity, or other people
  • DO NOT ask for votes or engage in vote manipulation
  • DO NOT post spam
  • DO NOT post off-topic answers or misrepresent the spirit of the question
  • DO NOT post content that violates intellectual property rights according to the
  • DO NOT post anything illegal
  • DO NOT threaten, harass, or bully other users
  • DO NOT post anything in violation of our privacy policy
  • DO NOT encourage or incite violence
  • DO NOT post sexual or sexually suggestive content
  • DO NOT post profane, vulgar, or hateful content
  • DO NOT post propaganda or misinformation

DO NOT post content that violates intellectual property rights or any content that violates copyright, trademark trade dress, unfair competition, patent, and/or trade secret rights.

Violations of any of the above guidelines will result in the removal of content and potential deletion of the user’s account.

All this being said, we DO encourage you to engage in positive and meaningful discussion, and we DO want you to share your passion by asking and answering questions about your favorite topics!
The role of this site is to help Torontonians showcase their expertise and experience in the city by sharing their knowledge with other Torontonians who need answers.

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